What did you think of those fabulous shower pics Laurie posted last week?
We had way to much fun coming up ideas for this party. At a certain point we just had to stop brainstorming because A) We didn't win the Mega Million's jackpot to fund all of our crafty ideas and B) Our families were threatening to riot if we didn't spend some of the time we were devoting to party planning, doing boring things like the dishes or laundry...Boo.
The great thing about our crazy Rebel Housewife obsession is that we have lots and lots to share with you guys! Today I'll be sharing some more great pictures of the games and our table decor.
Prepare and Refresh yourself. Touch up your make up, put a ribbon in your hair and be fresh looking for when he arrives home.
At the time of his arrival from work, eliminate all household noise. Encourage the children to be quiet.
Or my favorite:
A good wife knows her place.
I'm pretty sure that my "Good Housewife" place is in front of my laptop with a cup of coffee and if my husband came home to a quiet house and me in make up and a bow; he would be double checking the street address to see if he was in the right house. Or he would wonder if I had been body snatched. No wonder people drank so much back then! Just the thought of sacrificing all my personality just to be the perfect 1950's stepford wife, makes me want to stick my head in the oven. Hello, 2012!
Because we make our party guests work for their food love a good game, we next handed out a quiz that Due Cuori also provided to test those "Good Wife" skills. Some people even answered the quiz as to how the future Mrs. 2wicked would - and it was hilarious!
We also did the standard, "How well does the bride know the groom" and it was so sweet to hear all the quirky things those two love birds dig about each other. The was a lot of "Aawwww" 's going around.
On to the tablescapes!
Our girl loves her world in black and white, so we wanted to bring some of that into the color scheme with some cool chevron fabric that we found at Craft Warehouse. We cut pieces for table runners and table squares. We layered them over crisp white tablecloths for a little pop art contrast. Next we brought in some art deco style plates and then added a fun, blue dot dessert plate, on top. We finished the table settings off with the polka dot napkins with the red ribbon for a splash of color.
Next we placed our favors that Laurie geniusly DIY 'ed and the floral center pieces. For these we used a vintage looking bird accented domed cake plates we found at our mothership, TJ Maxx, and used oasis foam and flowers for the center. They came out pretty cute huh?
We also used this concept for some busts that we prettied up with a chevron apron and a floral crown. These flanked our buffet table:
Laurie also found these gorgeous mirrored "love" signs from Hobby Lobby, which we hung behind the buffet and dessert tables. A little pop art and retro all at the same time!
We finished everything off with a dusting of bling...
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