Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Things Will Go Wrong >You Don't Scare Me, I Have 3 Boys

*All of these pictures were taken by my boys*

My adorable boys have:
~Torn down a ceiling fan while hanging from it.
~Ripped off keys k, j, anf f4 from my laptop keyboard
~Accidentally shot out the neighbors double pane backdoor slider with a bbgun.
~Dumped a Costco size jug of pancake syrup all over our once new couch (which we still 
have) and carpet.
~Slid down the stairs in a sleeping bag, putting a hole in the wall at the bottom
~Carved their initials into my dining room table.
~Turned my hard wood floors into an indoor skating rink by waxing them with a tub of vaseline
~Found a mystical place in the universe where all DVD, TV remotes and cordless phones go to live for all eternity, never to be seen or found by an adult.
~Discovered that practicing writing your name all over your house is best to do with a sharpie pen, because it NEVER gets erased.

For those of you that don’t have boys: Yes, I supervise them. Yes, we do have rules in our house. Yes, over half of these events happened while my husband was “watching” them.
No, I am not blind or hearing impaired.

For those of you who have boys: No explanation needed, right?

Everyday with a boy is an adventure, some scarier than others. I wouldn't change it for the world, because for all of the horrified moments that these events brought; it also brings a little giggle every time I think of them and the horrified looks THEY had when they got busted.

P.S. Has anyone seen my mini cheese grater? Last time it was missing I found it in the sandbox...

1 comment:

  1. You know it just means that your children are geniuses, extremely creative and imaginative! Don't squelch their creativity! ;)


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