Happy Manic Monday everyone!
I hope all my fellow "Mothers" had a wonderful Sunday filled with lots of love and appreciation! We had a sunny Mother's day filled with a delicious brunch, some lounging by the pool, and an action packed Avenger's movie. We finished off the day with a great dinner and then we collapsed into an exhausted heap on our beds. It was my favorite kind of day, the one's where you feel like you wrung every last drop of fun you could out of it!
I also received an amazing gift that completely shocked me, which was then replaced with glorious plans of all the things I will do with it:
I'm the kind of gal that loves a handmade card and fresh picked flowers, so this was total surprise! I don't know who was more excited me, or the kids and hubby! I could see all their gears turning, about how great Angry Birds and poker were going to look on that screen. Ha ha!
Since then I've been scouring the Internet for the perfect cover because A) I am super careless B) I have wild children C) I have a husband and D) I will look for any excuse to accessorize things. Here's some of the great ones I found on my favorite, Etsy:
You know how I love chevron!
Here's another great one from Julia
This one is a cover and a stand, all in one!
This one has a great cover and pockets for all your goodies:

Choices, choices. I figure the more girlier I make the cover, the less likely it is for some boy(s) to walk off with it!
We also celebrated our lovely and amazing teachers this week for Teacher Appreciation Day:
I had found these pear note pads in Office Depot's end of season bin last year (which I love, love, love. Or any bin really with a sales sign will get me all hot and bothered!). I had no idea what I was going to do with them but they were just too cute to pass up. So when Teacher's Appreciation Day rolled around I thought they would be the perfect gift for our wonderful teachers.
I added a note to each one that read "No teacher com"PEARS" to you. Thanks for all you do!" I also slipped in a gift card into the pages. My son said that all the other kids in class were asking his teacher if they could use a pear note. Too funny! Really no gift can compare to a teacher who nurtures your child's gifts and sees a great potential in each one. Thank you to all teachers, everywhere!
We are also getting ready for my baby brother's big day. Laurie and I got some amazing facials at our new Ulta store. They were running an amazing special, two for only $25! My facialist used the Clarisonic Mia on my face, and I fell in love with it's results.

I sashayed out of there, looking fresh with tighter, dewy looking skin. I have the cheaper ProX version of this, but it just doesn't compare to the Mia. I think I'm going to be saving up my mommy allowance for this baby!
Have a great Monday!