It's a rainy Monday here at Chaos and Gloss, and I'm hanging on the couch with a sick kiddo. My youngest is home today since the sound of hacking up a lung might be a little distracting to his other classmates.
I always tell my kids ominous tales of what happens if you have to stay home sick, which usually involves lots of naps, yucky tasting medicine, and Pedialite smoothies. I stress to them that staying home with mom is; B-O-R-I-N-G. This usually works, and my children have miraculously recovered from many mystery illnesses before heading off to school.
But here is a secret truth that I would never admit to my kids: that there is times that I secretly love having a sick kid stay home from school. No, I have not caught my son's fever and I'm not talking about the kind of sick kid days when I'm having to clean up things with a bucket of Lysol. But there is something about cuddling a warm kiddo on a couch while watching a Wizards of Waverly Place marathon and sipping throat soothing, hot cocoa. I think it must have something to do with that it's a little taste of those days of the first baby; where you had all day to snuggle that sweet little bundle and nap - and surf the Internet.
Just kidding on that last one (sorta), but today it's just me, a kid, and a laptop (and some sleeping dogs); so I'm sharing some things to bookmark for your next sick kid day!
I want need to drink this:
Check out this recipe at Going Home to Roost.
My fridge desperately needs these (I have something unidentifiable in the back of my fridge right this minute...):

They are absorbent and stylish refrigerator liners. Gotta love anything that can brings the words functional and pretty together, right? A cute husband and wife team make these and you can find them here.
I'm checking out this page right now:
Great sick day activities from the cute blog Come Together Kids via my lovely friend Brooke's Pinterest board.
I am also using this great arrange - a - room tool from the Better Homes and Gardens web site.
Well I'm off to watch the new Puss n' Boots DVD - in bed. Having a sick kid at home is ruff stuff I tell ya...
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