Today's post is about original art work for your wall, what to put on a large wall, recycling book pages, and a novel idea on how to frame canvas art.
But what I really want to talk about is Hostess filing for bankruptcy. Not Ho Hos and Ding Dongs, say it's not true. Okay, I'm done crying - back to your originally scheduled program.
Check out this original art work hanging on the 2Wicked's wall.
The Future Mrs. 2Wicked (FM2W) is quite the artist and she made this for her future husband one year for Christmas because he had a large blank wall to fill and I think she wanted to class him up a little.
It is four canvases of different sizes overlapped and put together (screwed together on the back) to make one large canvas. FM2W painted a tree trunk and branches and then for that touch of something extra, she made the leaves out of old book pages instead of painting them.
Let's get closer:
The large canvas looked great hanging there, but it really needed a finishing touch, like putting on your jewelry after you dress. That's what the frame is to this canvas. Now for the novel way to frame the artwork. After hanging the canvas, Mr. 2Wicked used molding to make a frame but attached it to the wall, leaving about 1 1/2" all around between the canvas and the molding. Doesn't it look great?!! Okay I'm winging the part of how much space he left between the canvas and the frame, once again no one likes phone calls at 6am, maybe it's only
Want to see something funny:

Okay, back on track -
I already used some of these pages to make my Mama's 81st Birthday Banner.
Some things that I'm working on using this pages are:
Watch for future posts.
Everyone go out and buy some Hostess Twinkies to show your support - that's where I'm going.
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