Okay not all of them are "boo"tiful but I just wanted to use that word. Today's Frock Me Friday is brought to you by the letter "C" and the number "5". Yep, that's right 5 costume ideas that won't break the bank or the clock. Warning: You might find some of these images disturbing!
Easy to make with a few supplies:
Sweatshirt & sweat pants
Cheesecloth torn in strips
Make up
We glued the cheesecloth to the sweats since they were an old pair but you could just wrap and pin.

Luckily our Edward Scissorhands wears a lot of black - so the clothes are her own.
Belts from Goodwill
Pair of gloves from Goodwill
Paint stir sticks
The stir sticks were cut down and painted to look like scissor blades and then stitched to black gloves.
Workout Videos
Old bikini
Speedo or briefs
Vines from Walmart
Cut leaves off of vines and stitch to bikini or briefs. I bar tacked them with the sewing machine but you could probably use fabric glue. I started with the bottom layer and bar tacked the leaf where I knew it would be hidden by another leaf.
Photo Disclaimer: This is a horrible cut and paste job of Brad & Angelina but some people don't want to live on the internet.
Easy costume if you are all tatted up and have long hair - just kidding. I think most of the clothes were his own except for the pants. Now where would a guy get skinny, shiny, skin tight pants without breaking the bank? Oh yeah, from his girlfriend. This is a Chaos and Gloss Tip: Don't be too proud to use all your resources. You can buy all sorts of Rockstar jewelry, wigs and paraphernalia at the costume stores for a reasonable price.
Need a realistic looking tattoo: You can draw one on with a black permanent marker - and yes it will wash off.

There you have 5 cheap and easy costumes!
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