It is constantly lurking in the dark corners of your brain...."What are you going to make?", it whispers. "Do you have groceries for that?", it snarks. "Do you really consider cheese on a hotdog bun a healthy lunch for your precious growing children?! Do you even know where the bread aisle is located?", it laughs. This is about the point where I scream and send each kid to school with a baggie of scrounged - up couch change for hot lunch.
Are you right there with me, ladies? School is in full swing and so is the panic of what to pack the kids for lunch. Thankfully there are lots of great sites, tips, and tricks out there that will keep that Packed Lunch Monster at bay.
One of my favorite go-to sites is the Kraft Lunch Box Builder site:

They have great recipes and a great chart that gives you a ton different side lunch combo ideas. There is also a pdf of joke clipouts to add a little pizazz to your lunch! Everything Mom has a great list of 50 great tips and ideas. Good Housekeeping .com also has a whopping 30 ideas to conquer your lunch time woes.
Save yourself!! Check them out!!
In the meantime, have a laugh below to keep yourself from crying from the stress of packing all those school lunches.
P.S. These lunchbox ideas also work well on your picky hubby's lunch too, I tried them out, and no complaints. He really appreciated his sandwich with a heart cutout. ;-)
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