Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Dear Me > How I Know I'm Okay - Just Like You

Thank you Pinterest for letting me know there are a whole bunch of other people just like me and now I know I'm normal.  How do I know that?  There are a bunch of pins that tell me.

Let's start off with what happens when I go to look for some inspiration for something to cook.  I have a whole board with food on it but . . . 


Source: Uploaded by user via Debra on Pinterest
Source: Uploaded by user via Debra on Pinterest

Source: via Laurie on Pinterest

Okay, don't get weird and think I'm incontinent.  Not yet, anyway.  I've done this when my kids were small - many years ago.


Source: via Robin on Pinterest

I've had cats and a dog and this is so true!


Source: via Robin on Pinterest

Enough said about that!

My Cell Phone AKA "My Life Line":

and three more:

9.    know what the name of that song is that's playing

10.  decide what to wear by checking the weather forecast

11.  where, when and what movies are playing.


Source: via Kristin on Pinterest

That might not be a dream so much as a reinforcement to go out and buy more shoes!

And the final dream or wouldn't the world be a better place if only this were true.

Source: via Robin on Pinterest

So, thank you Pinterest!  


Monday, May 14, 2012

Manic Monday > Mother's Day Hangover

Happy Manic Monday everyone!

I hope all my fellow "Mothers" had a wonderful Sunday filled with lots of love and appreciation! We had a sunny Mother's day filled with a delicious brunch, some lounging by the pool, and an action packed Avenger's movie. We finished off the day with a great dinner and then we collapsed into an exhausted heap on our beds. It was my favorite kind of day, the one's where you feel like you wrung every last drop of fun you could out of it!

I also received an amazing gift that completely shocked me, which was then replaced with glorious plans of all the things I will do with it:
I'm the kind of gal that loves a handmade card and fresh picked flowers, so this was total surprise! I don't know who was more excited me, or the kids and hubby! I could see all their gears turning, about how great Angry Birds and poker were going to look on that screen. Ha ha!

Since then I've been scouring the Internet for the perfect cover because A) I am super careless B) I have wild children C) I have a husband and D) I will look for any excuse to accessorize things. Here's some of the great ones I found on my favorite, Etsy:

You know how I love chevron!
iPad case, iPad cover, iPad sleeve fits 1, 2, 3. Also for netbooks and tablets - Chevron stripes pink and white

Here's another great one from Julia
iPad case, iPad cover, iPad sleeve fits 1, 2, 3. Also for tablets and net books -- Moroccan tiles on orange

This one is a cover and a stand, all in one!
 iPad cover iPad Case Cover iPad 3 case iPad 2 cover iPad Stand Case Michael Miller Garden Tapestry IPad Case

This one has a great cover and pockets for all your goodies:

iPad cover, iPad2 Cover, or Ipad 3,  Ipad case - Book style- JD Yellow and Gray Bloom- Made to order     

    iPad cover, iPad2 Cover, or Ipad 3,  Ipad case - Book style- JD Yellow and Gray Bloom- Made to order        

Choices, choices. I figure the more girlier I make the cover, the less likely it is for some boy(s) to walk off with it!

We also celebrated our lovely and amazing teachers this week for Teacher Appreciation Day:

 I had found these pear note pads in Office Depot's end of season bin last year (which I love, love, love. Or any bin really with a sales sign will get me all hot and bothered!). I had no idea what I was going to do with them but they were just too cute to pass up. So when Teacher's Appreciation Day rolled around I thought they would be the perfect gift for our wonderful teachers.

I added a note to each one that read "No teacher com"PEARS" to you. Thanks for all you do!" I also slipped in a gift card into the pages. My son said that all the other kids in class were asking his teacher if they could use a pear note. Too funny! Really no gift can compare to a teacher who nurtures your child's gifts and sees a great potential in each one. Thank you to all teachers, everywhere!

We are also getting ready for my baby brother's big day. Laurie and I got some amazing facials at our new Ulta store. They were running an amazing special, two for only $25! My facialist used the Clarisonic Mia on my face, and I fell in love with it's results.
CLARISONIC Mia Sonic Skin Cleansing System, White - 1 ea
I sashayed out of there, looking fresh with tighter, dewy looking skin. I have the cheaper ProX version of this, but it just doesn't compare to the Mia. I think I'm going to be saving up my mommy allowance for this baby!

Have a great Monday!


Friday, May 11, 2012

Frock Me Friday > Maximize Your Summer

Once again, it's my favorite time of the year where I get to bring out my most favorite pieces in my wardrobe: The Maxi Dress!

If I was a (bad) poet I could write a sonnet on how much I love this dress. But since I'm against torture I'll just hit you with the high points.

  • There isn't a curve that this dress doesn't love. It clings in the right places and hides all the ones that are waiting for a good plastic surgeon. They are very maximizing, hence the name!
  • It's long. It's still a little "Springish" around here and my legs still have that Twilight glow about them. So while my self tanner develops, my maxi dress highlights my summery pedicure - not my sunless legs.
  • I don't have to shave my legs to wear it. No, I'm not saying I don't shave my legs. I'm just saying that I don't like to shave them every day! Which if you are of Hungarian and Mexican descent, and go a day without shaving in a short dress, people are going to be talking about you and your she wolf legs, and that time when Julia Roberts had hairy pits on the red carpet. Hairy legs brings up that kind of stuff...
  • The top part of a Maxi dress is kind of magical. It's nice to all shape and sizes of "the girls", if you know what I mean. Great draping for those who got them (and them some) and great draping for those who don't. It tames and highlights at the same time. Don't ask me how it works, just chalk it up to one of those great life mysteries.
  • They look great for any dress code. Wear them out to lunch or by the pool. Add a great jacket or sweater and dress them up for an evening out, and then fall into bed in it after your crazy night out (or you were to exhausted to move from your day at the pool - it happens).
They are so versatile! What's not to love? Check out all of these great Maxi dresses that you could be stylishly hanging out in this summer:

Happy Maximizing!


Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Celebrate Celebrate Celebrate > Fabulous Wedding Invitations

We've been MIA - missing in action!  Really we've been in action (a lot of action) you just haven't seen any of it.  On Friday, we will have seven days to go before "The Day!"  

I don't know if you know this about our Bride but she also is a "Bargainista."  She's always looking for a bargain as long as it is stylish and fabulous!  She really did a good job of getting the most bang for buck with her wedding invitations.

She ordered a basic invitation and accessorized it with cardstock, rhinestones, feathers and ribbon to make an elegant and fabulous invitation.

Her invitation was pretty and stylish but very basic. 

We fabbed it up by adding the black invitation folder made out of black cardstock and a lot of elbow grease.   The edge of the folder was paper punched with Martha Stewart's lace edge punch, yup 175 of them!  The black cardstock was then folded so the top front would show the invitation's first line which said "Because you have shared in our lives."

A feather was tacked to the front with a gemstone.  All the parts of the invitation were assembled inside the folder and it was closed with a silver ribbon.

We also included a card to help plan our song playlist  to be returned with the RSVP with a place to list any songs that the guests would like to dance to.

This was a double win.  It was easier to plan the playlist and everyone that returned a card will get to hear some songs that they requested.

~ Laurie

Friday, May 4, 2012

Frock Me Friday > Cinco De Mayo Or As I Like To Say Ole Tequila

In honor of Cinco De Mayo, I thought I'd give you some fun fashion and facts about Cinco De Mayo.

First the facts:

  • Cinco De Mayo is Spanish for May 5, hence it's always on May 5.  If  you're thinking, "Thanks, Captain Obvious!", that means that you're smarter than the average bear cause I can't tell you how many times I've heard people ask, "When's Cinco De Mayo?"

  • Cinco De Mayo is the celebration of a 4 hour victorious battle (most people party longer than the battle was) - it is not Mexican Independence Day.  Now for the real reason I wanted to put this fact in there.  My Bestie was born on Cinco De Mayo and I was born on Mexican Independence Day.  Aren't we a pair (a really serious pair!)

  • The American Cinco De Mayo observance didn't begin until 1967 when a group of California college students decided to commemorate this date because they felt there wasn't any Chicano or Mexican Holidays celebrated in the United States!  Hmmmm, college students commemorating means P-A-R-T-Y, can you say Tequila!!

  • And the last fun fact:  Remember the Bachelorette Party Miss Angela is attending on Cinco De Mayo, well she better take her sombrero, cause where she's going they are trying to break a Guinness World Record!

Now for the Fashion:

I've been known to rock a mantilla, peasant blouse and skirt back in the day.  That's me and my cousin walking in a parade back in the old hometown.

I've outgrown those days, but I do love bright oranges, reds, yellow & fuschia.
My last look has nothing do with the colors I associate with Cinco De Mayo, but I really love navy and green!

Green Strapless Hollister Top

Happy Cinco De Mayo!


Thursday, May 3, 2012

Reuse Recycle Repurpose > Garden Goodness

Mary Mary,
Quite contrary,
How does your garden grow?

With tongue depressors, and paint chip samples,
All in a pretty garden row.

Look what we made! These seed markers made from paint chip samples are some crafty goodness for your garden.

To make these babies, sashay (way more fun than walking btw) over to your local home improvement store and pick yourself out some great summer paint colors.

Let your inner child take over, or your actual real life children if you've got them handy, and cut out your veggie shapes. Glue them on top of another paint chip for a fun background, and then laminate the whole shebang (we used our Xyron). We added a large tongue depressor as a stake, but you can use anything you may have laying around. Wouldn't some vintage silverware be great?

Have fun, and make sure to send us some pics if you do!


Wednesday, May 2, 2012

60 Items Every Bride Needs In Her Survival Kit

The "Not Clan" Bridal Shower was held last weekend at a local winery.  It was a beautiful affair and the weather was perfect.  Check out the views from the winery.

View on the other side:

If you're thinking that those are panties hanging from a line at the winery - you're right!  The Bridal Shower was a "Panty Shower!"  That's a great way for the Bride to get a lot of lovely lingerie.  While I'm all for new lingerie, it felt a little weird to give my future daughter-in-law lingerie, so I decided to give her something else.  

I made up a little kit that I like to call the "Bride's Emergency Survival Kit.  Some people might call this just a Bride's Emergency Kit, but I like to call it the Bride's Emergency Survival Kit because everyone knows that when there is something a Bride needs; it's always an emergency, whether it's something to fix a hang nail, a headache or just a little sugar fix and some Bride's act like they're not going to survive the emergency!

This kit includes 60 items that every Bride may or may not need.  But like the Boy Scouts we want her to be prepared for anything.  Prepared for what?  Life!  For the Bride that means a series of sometimes crazy events that all culminate at the BIG Moment.  This kit is not just for the Bride, but for everyone around her also.  After all, it takes a village to make a wedding.
I tried to cover everything that might be needed in case your hook at the top of your strapless gown comes off (that happened at our last wedding) or you're opening a gift with flocked (black) paper and you need a lint roller to get the flocking off your dress (another true story) or your future mother-in-law's shoes feel a little tight (blister defense puts a stop to this.)

  1. Hollywood Tape - I love, love, love this fashion tape! Good to keep straps, bodices or anything else in place.
  2. Static Guard
  3. Sewing Kit- includes thread & buttons
  4. Lint Roller
  5. Tide To Go - you know someone will need it.
  6. Safety Pins - assorted sizes.
  7. Earring Backs
  8. Corsage Pins
  9. White Chalk (in case the Tide to go doesn't work)
  10. Deodorant Eraser
  11. Clear Nail Polish 
  12. Emory Boards
  13. Nail Polish Remover Pads
  14. Nail Clippers
  15. Hair Brush 
  16. Bobby Pins
  17. Hair Bands
  18. Comb
  19. Hairspray
  20. Dental Pics
  21. Dental Floss- can also double as an escape rope if she needs it.
  22. Mini Toothbrushes
  23. Mouthwash
  24. Tampons - unfortunately, mother nature doesn't care if it's your big day or not.
  25. Mini Pads
  26. Q-Tips
  27. Visine - it's going to be a long day and before that a whole line up of events, showers, bachelorette parties, etc.
  28. Hand Lotion
  29. Deodorant
  30. Lens Cleaning Tissue 
  31. Handi Wipes
  32. Kleenex
  33. Hand Sanitizer - no dirty hands are getting anywhere near that wedding gown!
  34. Tweezers
  35. Compact Mirror
  36. First Aid Kit - bandaids can fix everything. Stitches will have to wait till after the pary.
  37. Benadryl Itch Relief
  38. Blister Defense
  39. Neosporin
  40. Emergen-C
  41. Benadryl Allergy - just in case you develop an allergy to your future Mother-In-Law!
  42. Advil
  43. Tums
  44. Gas-X - This is not the day to have that problem!
  45. Cough Drops
  46. Scissors
  47. Tape
  48. Post Its
  49. Black Sharpie - I've used a Sharpie on my black shoes that were scuffed and used it on a black shirt that had a little white mark on it.
  50. Pen 
  51. Krazy Glue
  52. Starbucks Iced Coffee To Go
  53. Nutella & Go
  54. Crackers
  55. Salted Peanuts
  56. Breath Mints
  57. Gum 
  58. Skittles - Our Bride is not a lover of chocolate, so customize snacks to your Bride.  Some Bride's might have a thing for vodka Twinkies.
  59. Starburst
  60. Straws - Don't want that perfect shade of lipstick coming off! 
I bought a large clear cosmetic bag at Walmart and a bunch of smaller clear cosmetic bags.  Grouped like items together in the small bags and they all fit in the larger bag!  For the label, I used a list of all of the Survival kit items as the background for my title. Then I printed the whole thing on cardstock and then slipped it into the front of the clear cosmetic bag. 

Your bride can add to the kit with her shade of nail polish, shoe polish, Prozac, taser gun for those unruly wedding guests, or anything else she might need.

Keep on coming back to visit with us and click "Wedding"  under the category list to see our other fabulous wedding related posts.  Future posts will include a printable wedding planner, the how to's to make a broach bridal bouquet, and a fun and sassy bachelorette party.

UPDATE:  We have provided a link to print your own "Bride's Emergency Survival Kit" sign.  Click here for printable PDF.  When printing PDF:

  • In print menu, under page scaling, select "NONE."
  • In Properties menu, check to see what the Quality Setting is.  If it is on Draft, change it to at least normal or best.  Draft will not give you a very good print.
  • Print on cardstock.

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